
Showing posts from April, 2018

How click-to-call can improve customer relationship?

Click to call is a web-based tool that simply allows the call centers to connect with the relevant customers quickly. Before the invention of voice options, almost all the call centers were relying on the caller’s location in order to connect with the relevant agent. For example, a customer calling from Virginia may be connected to the nearest location; but now with the invention of latest tools & techniques call centers can redirect their callers to the most relevant agent or department within few seconds . How does click-to-call work? Click to call button options are usually embedded on the company’s website or displayed as an advertisement. So, when customers will click on th at button, they wi ll be immediately directed to the call center through VoIP technology . Skype is one of the best example s of how does VoIP work, it also connect s the computers and phones to one another through the internet. This technology usually bypasses the trouble of making l

How to reduce call abandonment rate in your call center?

Customers approach to call centers to resolve the issues they are facing. But u nfortunately, that’s not what always happens. Sometimes their calls are listed as abandoned or disconnected . The problem occurs mainly when businesses do not choose right call center solutions and rely on limited features for cost savings. Let’s consider some ideas today that can help your team to improve the call abandonment rate for better customer services . Average abandonment rates: An abandoned call is the call that disconnects or terminated by the caller himself before the call was routed to the call center agent. Sometimes, inbound callers generally abandon the IVR or waiting for queue. But in today’s call center environment where customer expectations are raising continuously and they are looking for more personalized service , it has become important that you should also connect with the inbound customers as possible. Short call abandons or the calls which are d

How to increase agent productivity in call centers?

Call center owners always tend to find some innovative ways to motivate their employees and boost their productivity levels. However, with quite a high turnover rate and low morale in different call centers, it is not much easy to keep the agent's productivity high. While unfortunately, there are no such safest ways to maintain high standards or to boost the morale of agents. But still, there are some innovative ideas that can work best to enhance the productivity;   Use the information provided by IVR: IVR system is the best way to measure the information and collect relevant details from the customers. And when the information provided by the user via IVR is not used by the agents, then customers feel bit frustrated and then forced to spend some more time on the call . So by using the information provided with IVR system , agents can efficiently save their customers’ time by collecting the information again. Utilize internal communication:

Why SMB’s are switching to VoIP technology?

There are various reasons why small and medium businesses (SMB’s) , are switching from analog to VoIP phone system . The hosted business VoIP solutions are giving small and medium businesses a new edge to boost their productivity without heavy cost s or self-hosting maintenance. So whether small and medium businesses want traditional telephony system or fully hosted VoIP solutions , here are top features discussed that SMB’s can benefit from: Integration with CRM: One of the most attractive features small and medium businesses can benefit from is the high-quality VoIP solutions that can be integrated seamlessly with customer relationship management software . This simply allows the workforce members to communicate effectively through telephone with the user while considering their marketing & sales information. There are different management tools and real-time data that have now become fully available to all the workforce members while giving them the o

How to connect more? Top secrets for successful outbound calling strategy

A n efficient outbound calling strategy is a most important aspect of your customer outreach and marketing campaign s . There are many businesses which turned their focus into strong inbound marketing tactics . Companies who are dealing with certain special processes, as related to the collection, financial solutions, real-estate, or telecommunication sector which need s a very refined outbound calling strategy. The basic point is being able to dial the bulk amount of calls in a short time period . The higher the connected calls , the increase in new leads and more improved outcomes. Campaign management: In a large scale call center , people prefer to generate more & more campaigns simultaneously. Thus, the outbound calling solution must be very flexible , reliable and intuitive. Call center supervisors or managers must be able to create, remove or delete the campaigns on their own. They need to have a minimum dependency on their IT team for suppor